Sunday, February 21, 2010

Minutes from WSA Meeting - 2/21

WSA Minutes


Girl's Inc- Went well!

1. Call-Out



-Tuesday, 7pm - Ballentine Hall, 016 (Please arrive 15 minutes early)

-presentation-Jenna, ice-breaker- Introductions, snacks- Cami is bringing cookies!, Colleen -Cups and Napkins, Rachel/Toni-drinks

2. OWA Networking night

-Wednesday, 7pm - Cami and Carrie will attend

3. Sexual Assault Awareness Month update

-Cami met with people from Prosecutor's office and Middle Way House

-Series of presentations planned for late March, primarily want our help with advertising

-Presenting to Dorm neighborhoods, Frats/Sororities

4. Reschedule social

-Golden Girls Night - this Friday, Cami's apartment - 7pm

-Boob Night - March 4th @ 8pm - tentatively

5.Connecting with Katie Blair from Planned Parenthood

-Katie has suggested baking cookies for abortion escorts on Thursday mornings and collecting

magazines for the clinic lobby.

6.Sheryl WuDunn

-Book club

-Anyone want to volunteer to make WSA logo for the flyer - Toni will ask friends

7. Vag Mons wrap-up

-Do a cast Q & A after the show

-Change the question at the end of the show- or don't do it at all

-Have one person in charge of each event

-Reach out to Sororities

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