Monday, February 22, 2010

Feminist Spoken Word

When I was in New Zealand, I was able to see spoken word poet and activist Sonya Renee perform. Since then, I can't get enough of this art-form and how it can convey so many emotions. I've selected a few feminist-focused pieces by different artists, including the two that got me hooked.

Sonya Renee

"Still Life"

This video was the first poem I heard from her. It is about relationship violence, specifically her cousin who was killed by her partner.

"What Women Deserve"

This is such a powerful poem. She discusses the need for reproductive choice.

"Liking Me"

This poem is about the connection between loving yourself and having safe sex.

Staceyann Chin

"Feminist or Womanist"

This poem is about the constraints of labels and the existence of many identities. She also touches on the treatment of women when they speak out after being sexually assaulted.

Mark Gonzales

"As With Most Men"

In this poem, he speaks about misogyny in American culture and questions if we would react the same way to the "War on Terror" if it was gendered rather than racialized.

I definitely recommend looking into all three of these artists as well as others.
Toni posted this article on facebook already, but if you get a chance you should check it out since it is particularly relevant to our conversation yesterday on Sheryl WuDunn. It is a Washington Post editorial from Jessica Valenti discussing why it is so much easier for us to recognize the problems women face in other parts of the world than admit that that "equality is still an illusion" for American women.  

Also, this is a link to a review of Half the Sky, and as Toni mentioned yesterday, it articulates many of the concerns we had about the book.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Minutes from WSA Meeting - 2/21

WSA Minutes


Girl's Inc- Went well!

1. Call-Out



-Tuesday, 7pm - Ballentine Hall, 016 (Please arrive 15 minutes early)

-presentation-Jenna, ice-breaker- Introductions, snacks- Cami is bringing cookies!, Colleen -Cups and Napkins, Rachel/Toni-drinks

2. OWA Networking night

-Wednesday, 7pm - Cami and Carrie will attend

3. Sexual Assault Awareness Month update

-Cami met with people from Prosecutor's office and Middle Way House

-Series of presentations planned for late March, primarily want our help with advertising

-Presenting to Dorm neighborhoods, Frats/Sororities

4. Reschedule social

-Golden Girls Night - this Friday, Cami's apartment - 7pm

-Boob Night - March 4th @ 8pm - tentatively

5.Connecting with Katie Blair from Planned Parenthood

-Katie has suggested baking cookies for abortion escorts on Thursday mornings and collecting

magazines for the clinic lobby.

6.Sheryl WuDunn

-Book club

-Anyone want to volunteer to make WSA logo for the flyer - Toni will ask friends

7. Vag Mons wrap-up

-Do a cast Q & A after the show

-Change the question at the end of the show- or don't do it at all

-Have one person in charge of each event

-Reach out to Sororities